Supporting the Benicia Community Foundation is Supporting Benicia!
Your gift contributes to a lasting stream of funding that helps improve the quality of life in your community. We are grateful for our generous donors, and we invite you to consider creating an endowment fund that will make charitable gifts in your name, for a given period or forever, to benefit the causes you care about most
Endowment funds can create a legacy in your family’s name or the name of a loved one. Focus your gift on benefiting the community causes, needs, and interests that matter most to you: enriching education, safeguarding health, improving neighborhoods, cultivating arts, protecting the environment, or strengthening families.
Our endowment funds offer endurance where your funds continue to grow over time. Earnings from investments are used to make annual grants or scholarships that will improve the quality of life in your community today – and for generations to come!
Endowment funds can create a legacy in your family’s name or the name of a loved one. Focus your gift on benefiting the community causes, needs, and interests that matter most to you: enriching education, safeguarding health, improving neighborhoods, cultivating arts, protecting the environment, or strengthening families.
Our endowment funds offer endurance where your funds continue to grow over time. Earnings from investments are used to make annual grants or scholarships that will improve the quality of life in your community today – and for generations to come!